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My Story

From a very young age I felt trapped and limited. I dreamt of boundless freedom. This desire to live in my full unlimited potential has been my driving force on my awakening journey.

At the age of 30 I took the plunge inwards to heal what was blocking me from my freedom. I tried and tested a myriad of different healing practices and trained in those that I found genuinely helpful.

I have walked the long and arduous path of emotional healing, peeling back the proverbial layers of the onion, digging out the old and letting my true Self shine through. 

Over the years I have awakened to my gifts as a healer. I discovered my ability to channel imagery and information to deepen the healing received by my clients. I have uncovered my innate understanding of how our mind, body and spirit work symbiotically together and I have developed my intuition to a point where I can quickly know the underlying causes of my client's problems. Sharing these gifts to help others heal and discover their own unlimited potential has become my raison d'être. 

I now draw on 23 years of personal healing and over a decade of helping others heal to offer you COMBINED ENERGY HEALING. Energy healing that comes with the added gift of channeled guidance and imagery. This is all delivered in a way that allows you to embody the healing fully on all levels; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.

What I call True holistic healing!

In deep gratitude to the Masters I have trained with along the way in: Emotional Release Technique, Regression Therapy, Sexual Awakening for Women, Human Behaviour & Consciousness, The psychology of Energy, Reiki, Sound Healing, Yoga, Dance, Tai Chi and Meditation.


The Sky is the Limit!

Energy Healing

A combined approach for deeper healing!

My Approach

Whether you are getting an online healing session from me or an in-person session in my healing room you can expect a warm and gentle welcome.

At the start of each session I will ask you a few questions to find out what you are experiencing and what you are hoping to receive from the healing. It's at this point that I start to intuit the cause and what is needed.

I will then suggest you either sit or lie comfortably. We will do a relaxation exercise to help you soften and open up to receive the healing energy. The more relaxed you are the deeper the healing.

I tune in to receive information whilst I channel the healing energy into your body. I will also take you on a channeled visualisation journey to help you receive the healing fully on all levels.

This combined healing technique speaks to your subconscious mind encouraging healing and transformation on the finest of levels. 

So my invitation to you is simply to relax and journey with me... a bit like how a child listens to a bed time story. This openness to receive the healing energy and your willingness to journey with the imagery helps you heal more easily and more deeply.

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